(603) 2295 7788

Sustainability at Deleum

As a responsible oil and gas service provider, Deleum is committed to incorporate sustainability throughout the Group’s business operations. This is a direct response to climate change, as well as other material topics such as strategy and financial resilience, pollution and resources, biodiversity, health and safety, labour standards, human rights, community investment, anti-bribery and corruption, and more.
Our sustainability commitment is underpinned by Economic, Environmental, Social and Governance (“EESG”) pillars.


For fy2022

Our Approach to Sustainability


The Sustainability Governance Structure establishes a clear tone from the top approach to drive sustainability across the Group in line with our mission, vision, and core values.

Ultimately, it allows effective oversight on sustainability topics including climate change-related matters, business and operational risks that enables the integration of the sustainability agenda into daily business operations.

At the core is our Board Risk Committee (BRC), mandated by our Board of Directors for strategic oversight. The BRC drives our sustainability strategies, sets goals, and oversees initiatives, including vital areas like climate change. 

Under the BRC Chairman's guidance, it ensures strong governance. Empowering the BRC seamlessly integrates sustainability into our operations, managing climate challenges and business risks. This proactive approach deepens our commitment, steering us toward a more responsible, resilient future.

Our Materiality

Materiality assessments are vital for our value-creation journey as we identify the sustainability issues that matter most to our business and stakeholders. Conducting a materiality assessment allows us to identify opportunities and mitigate risks to ensure sustainable business growth. 

In our most recent sustainability materiality assessment, we identified 13 sustainability matters that are material to both our business and our stakeholders.


Deleum has developed a set of comprehensive policies to address our EESG material topics.

Code of Business Conduct

[ENG] | [BM]

Environmental Policy

Corporate Anti-Bribery & Corruption Policy

Anti-Bribery Management System Policy

Whistleblowing Policy and Procedure

Human Rights and Labour Standard

HSE Policy

Quality Policy

Stop Work Policy

Substance Policy

Recognition and Affiliations

Deleum has been honoured with the prestigious Gold Award in the Energy sector (Equities category) at The Edge Malaysia ESG Awards 2023, held on November 6, 2023. This recognition highlights our unwavering commitment to Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) excellence.

The Edge Malaysia ESG Awards 2023, organised in partnership with Bursa Malaysia and FTSE Russell, stands as a beacon of recognition for public-listed companies (PLCs) and asset management firms practising sustainability excellence in Malaysia. This achievement reflects our sustainability commitment towards ‘Catalysing Prosperity’, ‘Protecting and Preserving the Environment’, ‘Helping People’, and ‘Embracing Good Governance’. As sustainability becomes an integral part of Deleum today, we proudly celebrate everyone's dedication in advancing Deleum's sustainability milestones.

Read the full article by The Edge here

As one of the CAN members, we actively participate in Workstream #2: Awareness & Capacity Building. This workstream aims to enhance awareness and foster capacity development across various levels and functions within member organizations and their value chains. Our goal is to empower them to champion sustainability in their business operations.

  • Constituent of FTSE4Good Bursa Malaysia Index and Bursa Malaysia Shariah Index
  • Top 25% ranking among FBM EMAS PLCS with 4-Star rating