(603) 2295 7788

Deleum Berhad and its subsidiary companies ("Deleum") recognises the importance of establishing and complying with good corporate governance and is committed to a professional and ethical business by adopting a zero-tolerance approach against all forms of bribery and corruption whether conducted directly or indirectly through a third party. The Deleum Code of Business Conduct sets out Deleum's core principles in this regard. 

Deleum is committed to conducting its business in accordance with ethical standards in the countries where it operates, does business or has dealings with, in particular with respect to anti-bribery and corruption laws and regulations. All members of the Board of Directors, employees and third parties must uphold the highest standard of integrity and accountability in discharging their duties and to ensure that all business activities are conducted in compliance with relevant and applicable laws and regulations with respect to anti-bribery and anti-corruption.

Deleum Berhad and its subsidiary companies ("Deleum") recognises the importance of establishing and complying with good corporate governance and is committed to a professional and ethical business by adopting a zero-tolerance approach against all forms of bribery and corruption whether conducted directly or indirectly through a third party. The Deleum Code of Business Conduct sets out Deleum's core principles in this regard. 

Deleum is committed to conducting its business in accordance with ethical standards in the countries where it operates, does business or has dealings with, in particular with respect to anti-bribery and corruption laws and regulations. All members of the Board of Directors, employees and third parties must uphold the highest standard of integrity and accountability in discharging their duties and to ensure that all business activities are conducted in compliance with relevant and applicable laws and regulations with respect to anti-bribery and anti-corruption.