(603) 2295 7788

Governance/Embracing Good Governance

Good corporate governance fosters trust and provides structured practices and processes in managing our business activities. It forms a strong foundation for safeguarding stakeholders’ interests. By being responsive and transparent in our business practices, we demonstrate our accountability to ensure long-term business growth.

Board Diversity

The Board has a well-balanced composition with an effective mix, ensuring that there is fair representation, as well as a balance of power and authority on the Board. The members of the Board are selected based on objective criteria of proven skills, merit, and capabilities in their particular field of endeavour with due regard for diversity in expertise, experience, age, cultural background and gender.




Deleum has zero-tolerance for any form of bribery and will not participate in any acts of corruption. Our Whistleblowing Policy encourages disclosure on any form of improper misconduct, where matters raised are deliberated by the Whistleblowing Committee. Whistle blowers, whose identities are kept confidential, can reach the Whistleblowing Committee Chairman at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or via sealed letters. Please refer to the SORMIC in our Annual Report for more information on whistleblowing related matters

Our Code of Business Conduct sets the tone on how the Group’s business is conducted globally that applies to all members of the organisation. We aim to act responsibly, accountably and with transparency in all areas of operation. The areas covered by the Code of Business Conduct are anti-corruption and bribery, gifts and hospitality, conflict of interest, whistleblowing and sanctions for violations.

Cyber And Information Security

Deleum is committed to protect the integrity and confidentiality of the data provided by its employees, customers and suppliers from all external and internal digital security threats. We have stringent cybersecurity practices in place as embodied in our Cybersecurity Policy. Internal and external auditors conduct regular security assessments including the ICT governance.

In compliance with Malaysia’s Personal Data Protection Act (“PDPA”) requirements, the PDPA Committee was established to oversee the compliance and implementation of PDPA requirements. We expect that all employees shall not process personal data regarding third parties, employees, or others unless the necessary steps for compliance are undertaken.